Dungeons & Delvers: Meet the (Kobold) Wizard
You can check out the (dwarf) fighter over here.
As with A Sundered World, kobolds aren't halfling-sized, dragon-worshiping lizard peeps. They're more inline with their Germanic roots, appearing as halfing-sized spirit-folk with various abilities depending on what kind of spirit you are (hearth, ship, or mine).
Actually, given that they essentially take the place of halflings in this game (and FrankenFourth) it'd be more accurate to just call them kobold-sized.
Hearth kobolds can conjure and attack with fire, mine kobolds can see in the dark and move through stone walls (though they don't leave a tunnel and cannot take anything else with them), and ship kobolds can bind themselves to a ship, granting it bonuses and teleporting about it.
Higher level talents allow them to turn into animals, fire, grant boons to those that give them things/help them, be better at helping their allies out, become invisible, and more.
Now let's take a look at the wizard:
If you don't have it, when you use talents that require dice rolls you discard your highest result (similar to the rules for attacking without wielding a weapon).
Unlike FrankenFourth, there's no limit or cost to using these. They either provide constant effects, require an action to activate, or both.
For example, Rank 1 in Abjurer is a kind of "mage armor" type effect, replacing your unarmored d4 with a d6, and you can use an action to give another ally you can see +1d4 to their next Defense roll (you're conjuring a plane of force to protect them), while Rank 1 in Enchanter lets you use Intelligence instead of Grace when convincing people to do what you want.
Ritual effects are in the game, but don't require a talent or anything. Anyone can use them, though some require or at least benefit from the use of skills like Arcana and Religion.
For example, in addition to giving you more Defense dice, going up the Abjurer tree lets you create a protective shell or wall, giving everyone near you a Defense bonus, Enchanter lets you charm creatures if you roll high enough, and Illusionist lets you make your illusions solid, mobile, and even capable of harming others.
Evoker got changed quite a bit. It used to be that having Arcana at a d8 or higher let you make magical attacks (which you described as whatever), and the Evoker tree just made them accurate.
It's since been changed so that you need Rank 1 in Evoker to make magical attacks, and continuing to go up the tree makes them more accurate. Additionally, you can branch out into other trees to make it cold, lightning, and so on, each with their own specific kicker effects.
I feel that this keeps wizards from being a bit too versatile, makes element types more distinct, and keeps talents simple (I don't gotta describe numerous elemental effects in one talent).
A Sundered World is out (and also available in dead-tree format)! If you for some reason don't want the entire setting, you can just snag the races and classes.
The Gunner is locked and loaded.
Grave Goods is the latest magic item compilation in our 10+ Treasures line. If you want nearly 30 undead-themed magic items, some monsters, and advice on how to make your own, pick it up!
Lichfield is available for public consumption. If you want a concise adventure with a Silent Hill feel, be sure to check it out! Primordial Machine is also out, so if you want to catch a glimpse of A Sundered World, now's your chance! Finally, we've updated If These Stones Could Scream.
As with A Sundered World, kobolds aren't halfling-sized, dragon-worshiping lizard peeps. They're more inline with their Germanic roots, appearing as halfing-sized spirit-folk with various abilities depending on what kind of spirit you are (hearth, ship, or mine).
Actually, given that they essentially take the place of halflings in this game (and FrankenFourth) it'd be more accurate to just call them kobold-sized.
Hearth kobolds can conjure and attack with fire, mine kobolds can see in the dark and move through stone walls (though they don't leave a tunnel and cannot take anything else with them), and ship kobolds can bind themselves to a ship, granting it bonuses and teleporting about it.
Higher level talents allow them to turn into animals, fire, grant boons to those that give them things/help them, be better at helping their allies out, become invisible, and more.
Now let's take a look at the wizard:
As expected, the highest starting stat for a wizard is Intellect, which starts out at 1d8. They have a meager 1d4 Might, 3 Wounds, and can't wear any sort of armor (without suffering penalties at any rate), so unless you invest in the Abjurer or Spellsword talents stay away from the frontline.
You start with Arcana at a whopping 1d8 (most classes start with a d6 in their skills), and get to choose three more skills at 1d6. This, coupled with their Intellect, helps ensure that their magic will work (making them very much glass cannons).
You start with a spellbook and a magic focus, which can be a staff, wand, orb, ring, or something else.If you don't have it, when you use talents that require dice rolls you discard your highest result (similar to the rules for attacking without wielding a weapon).
Every wizard starts with Detect Magic, which lets you see magical auras in the area (and only magical auras: everything else appears black). You also get to choose a couple more, which represent knowing the basics of a few magical disciplines. Currently you can choose from Abjurer, Conjurer, Enchanter, Evoker (which is now required to make magical attacks), and Illusionist.Unlike FrankenFourth, there's no limit or cost to using these. They either provide constant effects, require an action to activate, or both.
For example, Rank 1 in Abjurer is a kind of "mage armor" type effect, replacing your unarmored d4 with a d6, and you can use an action to give another ally you can see +1d4 to their next Defense roll (you're conjuring a plane of force to protect them), while Rank 1 in Enchanter lets you use Intelligence instead of Grace when convincing people to do what you want.
Ritual effects are in the game, but don't require a talent or anything. Anyone can use them, though some require or at least benefit from the use of skills like Arcana and Religion.
At Higher Levels
You can learn new types of magic, expand upon or specialize in what you know, branch out into a kind of spellsword archetype, and so on.For example, in addition to giving you more Defense dice, going up the Abjurer tree lets you create a protective shell or wall, giving everyone near you a Defense bonus, Enchanter lets you charm creatures if you roll high enough, and Illusionist lets you make your illusions solid, mobile, and even capable of harming others.
Evoker got changed quite a bit. It used to be that having Arcana at a d8 or higher let you make magical attacks (which you described as whatever), and the Evoker tree just made them accurate.
It's since been changed so that you need Rank 1 in Evoker to make magical attacks, and continuing to go up the tree makes them more accurate. Additionally, you can branch out into other trees to make it cold, lightning, and so on, each with their own specific kicker effects.
I feel that this keeps wizards from being a bit too versatile, makes element types more distinct, and keeps talents simple (I don't gotta describe numerous elemental effects in one talent).
The Gunner is locked and loaded.
Grave Goods is the latest magic item compilation in our 10+ Treasures line. If you want nearly 30 undead-themed magic items, some monsters, and advice on how to make your own, pick it up!
Lichfield is available for public consumption. If you want a concise adventure with a Silent Hill feel, be sure to check it out! Primordial Machine is also out, so if you want to catch a glimpse of A Sundered World, now's your chance! Finally, we've updated If These Stones Could Scream.
Rules wise so far so good! The chibi art style is just great and the coloring suits it well.