Attention-Starved Racist Grifter Posers Pretend To Be Offended By Evil Races (Again)

A week or so ago, a bunch of people that actually play role-playing games were yet again trying to explain to emotionally- and intellectually-bankrupt posers that produce and push Tumblr-tier "art" and/or modernist vapidware trash, that inherently evil orcs are in fact not "bad", and that they're more than welcome to merely portray them as essentially green-skinned humans if they want.

It isn't all they want, or even necessarily what they want, and I'll get to that in a bit, but when you look at their pitiful attempts at ingenuity it's undeniably obvious that all they can do is green-wash humans (and then get upset when you point that out):

Even if you don't—or, in the case of a liberal can't—ignore the skin color, none of these characters are interesting.

The first is what the creator desperately hoped to be a series of intriguing—or at the least surprising—idiosyncrasies. She is neither, and the whole mess comes across as laughable overcompensation for a lack of creativity and an inability to roleplay. It also feels like a fetish, which wouldn't be surprising given how obsessed these weirdos are with sex and sexuality.

I'd say her getup is retarded, as no one with any sense would go slogging through dungeons dressed like that (unless they had to), but then these aren't the sort of people that typically play games, and when they do they're more interesting in busting tables at the fantasy equivalent of Starbucks—less fictitious risk and danger, I suppose—whilst pretending to be opposed to capitalism. 

The second and third are pretty standard archetypes: a sort of gentleman explorer and bog-standard soldier. They just slapped "orc" on top and called it a day, which makes them only slightly less disappointing than the meek maidbarian due to fewer tryhard subversions, and adds to the irony that monotony is the latest pretext for why orcs not being merely green-washed humans is somehow bad.

Before it was "bad" due to what they consider to be racism, bad game design, and/or potentially causing real-world harm. I've already written about this in very considerable length almost exactly a year ago: give it a read, as it refutes every informal fallacy mispresented as an argument that these underhanded frauds irrationally invoke.

Back then they actually tried supporting their absurd claims with about as much fervor as they put into their art, games, and/or activism (which only served to reveal what most already knew, that they were the real racists all along). This time they couldn't even deliver slightly less then the bare minimum:

Sounds like a false equivalence, as orcs being inherently evil does not mean that they are also the same age (how would this even work?), have the same sexuality, and profession. Alignment doesn't even hint at influencing these characteristics, so I have no idea why the hell frae is even attempting to make this claim. Well, I know why (attention), it's just a phenomenally retarded strategy.

Also, if all humans were like him, it would be more accurate to say that they'd be friendless, sex-obsessed, mentally ill weirdos:

Moving on:

It's such "basic level shit", but Isa (who is a racist) apparently can't be bothered to explain why playing orcs as orcs is bad. It's certainly not that she can't, no no no. It's all so obvious that there's simply no need for her to go into any detail!

And why should she bother in the first place? After all us inherently evil whiteys wouldn't listen anyway, right? Because we just can't help ourselves. Help ourselves from...going with an imaginary race being evil. Which is more boring than green-washed humans. Somehow.

Sounds like a pretty pathetic and miserable, yet privileged life if a "largest pet peeve" is that a DM you don't know or game with determines a single detail of a single race. Yeah, she says that a DM should at least be open to ideas, implying that they don't have to accept her moronic cliches if they don't want to, but she comes across as the sort of immature shit that will incessantly piss and moan if you say no to anything, for any reason.

I couldn't find anyone providing any sort of explanation as to why inherently evil orcs are "boring", or at least more boring than simply green-washing humans, but then that was never the point. The point of these tweets was to get attention: Likes, Followers, emotionally validating replies. These people saw the "right" person going on about how orcs-as-orcs is somehow boring, and parroted out their own insipid tweet in hopes they would get a fleeting dopamine rush, because they're lazy, miserable, desperate social media addicts.

But some go the extra meter, taking the opportunity to not only feign interest in the fake outrage flavor of the week, but to also shill their vapidware trash. Take Ceri for example:

Feigned reaction, and as with everyone else no argument to be found, even in his two follow up tweets:

Such a stunning and brave individual, advocating for a friendly take of a fantasy race...which is at the least two decades old if you played WarCraft III, and I remember in 4th Edition, in Forgotten Realms at least, some orcs were trying to at least be neutral. Then there's also Eberron: I forget when it came out, but besides angels and demons there were no hardcoded alignments.

And that's just the media I'm familiar with: I'm sure there's more, which might even go further back. My point is it's nothing new. Non-evil orcs have been around for quite some time, so in typical progressive fashion Ceri has merely "progressed" to where others were a long time ago, and is only talking about it for selfish reasons.

At least Ceri admits that he views orcs, and apparently many other imaginary races, as essentially human (even though they clearly aren't). It's pretty hilarious how he goes beyond calling standard orcs "boring", and accuses anyone that doesn't interpret them how others have already interpreted them for decades is engaging in "weak worldbuilding" and "moral cowardice" (as if fantasy Seattle is "strong" worldbuilding).

He of course doesn't back any of this up (and I would have loved to see him try), but really it's just a preamble to his actual motivation:

Shilling third-party vapidware. What's amusing is that his original post has over 900 Likes, but this one only got 15. Womp womp.

Peeki has the same goal in mind, but takes a longer, more deranged route to get there:

Vague and without any context. Not that I think she really plays, but "Peeki" does seem like the self-absorbed psychopath that would be routinely on the look for a new gaming group (too annoying even for her particular "community"). I do find it amusing that she somehow interprets the statement of "a new take on fantasy races" to apparently specifically mean that orcs must align with her tiresome conception.

This entire thread feels like she invented an incident where someone disagreed with this one thing, just so she could farm attention while still losing in an online argument with her fictitious opponent.

But, assuming it's true, no one rolls up a character with the goal of "seeing a little bit of the world" before retiring as a shepherd. This is another reason I don't think Peeki really plays, and as with so many others, she's just describing a green-washed human.

Something of a straw man fallacy, as I don't recall her fictional opponent stating that her character's family couldn't also be essentially green-washed humans. Gotta love her character's goal: gather seeds. I guess being a shepherd was too hard. In any case, it's even more retarded and boring than low-level World of WarCraft.

This is partly why I assume she's in a constant state of searching for a new group: they want to do fun stuff, go on something resembling an adventure, and she wants to go on one big stupid shopping trip. What, can't find one of those groups that wants to "roleplay" have a tedious barista job, which probably reflects their own lives?

Peeki is "so frustrated" that people she doesn't know and will never know, have imaginary monsters behave in a manner that doesn't perfectly reflect her insipid ideas (which, as has been mentioned, have been done before). She has problems to be sure, but none of them stem from people playing orcs as orcs.

Is adding "...I guess" to the end of sentences just standard millennial lexicon?  I ask because Ceri did the same thing, and also like Ceri we've finally arrived at Peeki's not-so-secret-or-surprising impetus for whining about people not content to portray orcs as merely green-skinned humans:

"Unconventional orcs"

She thinks that drawing humans in stupid trashy outfits (what's with the tape over the nips?), but giving them green skin is "unconventional". Maybe if she went back in time a decade or so, but then, no, Shadowrun has been around forever. Seriously, do a quick image search: you'll find all the green-washed humans you could ever want, going back far longer than Peeki has been doing her brand of Tumblr-tier fetish art.

It's not unusual. It's not surprising. It has been its own prevalent culture for a very long time. Peeki is just doing what other artists of varying-and-often-superior talent have been doing, but pretending that she's some sort of pioneer, that she's bucking any sort of trend. She's a conformist that is just trying to get more eyes on her bland fetish art.

See? You point out that they're just playing green-washed humans and they start reeeing. Note that no one said or even implied that strength, family bonds, bravery, etc are exclusive to humans (those traits are also standard for dwarves). Also note that evil creatures can be strong, brave, and have family bonds. Peeki is just irrationally pissed that people don't want to use the standard orc archetype she prefers.

Evil orcs aren't boring. At least, no more boring than making them just green-washed humans. It's the unmotivated, unimaginative, grifting posers that don't know what to do with them. After all, they're only familiar with modernist trash and critical race theory. But, no matter how pathetic and narcissistic it is, they do know what to do with an "injustice", real or imagined, and that's attempt to exploit it for a pittance of self-promotion and/or validation.

The only good orc is a dead orc. #orclivesdontmatter

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