Warhammer 40k: Tyranids Versus Chaos Daemons, Take 2

The army lists were expanded slightly this time around, hitting somewhere around 700 or so points. The nerd Tzeentch teams up with Khorne, but due to points limitations the army list ended up being almost entirely melee. Contrast to the tyranids, which had plenty of firepower thanks to a total of 10 fleshborer-packing termagants, and a trio of recently painted tyranid warriors.

Chaos daemons won initiative. After burning a Command Point to permacap an objective, the dark blue horrors and bloodcrushers surged across the battlefield. The fateskimmer and screamers vanishes, as they are wont to do, while the bloodletters and bloodmaster remains in the Warp.

For now.

The tyranids made a cautious advance towards the middle objectives, but thanks to all the line of sight blocking terrain were only able to chip a wound off one of the bloodcrushers before the end of the round. Melissa decided to cap her warriors on the back objective, confident that with a range of 2-3 feet she'd be able to blast anyone that dared show themselves.

For now, though, chaos daemons had an okay start at 3 victory points, compared to the tyranids 1.

During round two the bloodcrushers abandoned their post, charging around some ruins to engage the neurotyrant. The screamer killer was nearby and would have been a preferred target since they would have gotten to fight first, but with the way Melissa positioned them both they wouldn't have all been able to fight, anyway.

I was surprised that they weren't able to finished it off, and the screamer killer was able to fight and tear one of the bloodcrushers apart on Melissa's turn.

Befor then, the fateskimmer and screamers were able to swoop in and take out Melissa's winged tyranid prime, though she triggered whatever ability it has that lets it fight before being removed, and it took a screamer along with it.

The round ended with Melissa shuffling her barbgaunts onto an objective, swarming another with a termagaunt brood, and taking out a handful of dark blue horrors with the other.

Round three is where details get a bit blurry, as we were pressed for time to pick up our daughter from her deaf school and I wasn't taking consistent pictures. Suffice to say the screamer killer polished off the rest of the bloodcrushers, the bloodletters were brought in way too late to do anything meaningful (my daughter had hoped to spread her Shadow of Chaos further so she could drop them 6 inches away), the psychophase was picked off by the fateskimmer and screamers, and most of the barbgaunts were taken out.

We had to stop by the end of round for, and despite the tyranids making a comeback that score ended up being tied 7 to 7. I think that the tyranids would have squeaked by had we been able to work in that fifth round, but both my wife and daughter were happy enough with the draw.

For the next game I'm going to try out imperial guard against Melissa's tyranids. We were going to do a free for all with three armies but we don't yet have a big enough table to accommodate that. 

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