Woke Trivialization Is Surrender

I'd played Helldivers "back in the day", picking it up because it was a four-player couch co-op that my wife and most of our kids could all play together, but wasn't even aware that Helldivers 2 had come out until I saw clips on Twitter. I was surprised at the drastic shift in gameplay and quality, less so that it was woke due to reducing men and women to naught but a pair of body types. 

I also wasn't surprised that people who merely claim to be opposed to wokism were still recommending it, as it happened many years ago with Horizon: Zero Dawn, though that wasn't as big a deal because I got it when it was on sale for something like seven bucks. Much more recently there was the live-action One Piece show: apparently blackwashing and overrepresentation are only bad when it happens in recycled Disney slop.

The excuses I tend to get, with body types at any rate, can be generally categorized as "not a big deal" or, somehow, "not woke". To address the latter: the first Helldivers game had you choose male or female. Helldivers 2 changed to body types, as did numerous other, more recent games, entirely by coincidence I'm sure. So, my question is: 

How is this shift to remove the very mention of male and female not woke? If it's not to push an agenda, to socially engineer change in what is normal, to stigmatize beauty and celebrate ugliness, to "coerce behavior" as a certain company pouring fucktons of money into DEI/ESG put it, then what is the motivation behind it?

As for the former, I think it largely stems from some combination of poor impulse control and a life that is unsatisfactory and/or unfulfilling for a variety of reasons, including friends, family, finances, and employment, as well as being unable or, more likely, unwilling to improve one or more of them. I don't use games, books, movies, etc as a means of escapism. I suppose I should be thankful for that, but can understand why some people might, and while this can be good I think it is also quite harmful when it's your only or even primary coping mechanism.

This would certainly explain why they would buy a game that they know is woke and either suffer through it, or attempt to handwave away what they deem to be lesser woke elements: anything for that fix, I guess. Anything to make them forget about how much they hate their lives, even if just for a moment.

What makes it all somehow even more disappointing and more than a little pathetic, is that I'm certain each and every one of them not only has games they've never finished, but just as many if not more they've never even started, and to some degree they come across as "consoomers", addicted to just buying crap for what I can only assume are the increasingly fleeting dopamine hits.

Worse, their inability to curb their habitual spending is only exacerbating the problem, and I don't just mean that of their personal lives. See, companies don't care if you don't like "body types", ugly women, blackwashing, excessive racial and sexual "diversity", troons, etc. They don't care if you go on social media or YouTube and whine about it. They only care about your money, which is used to pay woefully underqualified people that utterly despise you so they can funnel it into yet another woke product for the consoomers to perhaps begrudgingly yet invariably buy.

The good news is that the solution is simple: if you want better games you need to stop paying for shitty ones. You need to stop trivializing wokism if you want it to go away. It doesn't matter if the game is still playable or even mostly fun. Keep your wallet closed and do any number of other things for a while: your life will not be negatively impacted in any noteworthy way if you never started playing woke trash like Helldivers 2 in the first place, and certainly won't be worse if you stop and devote your time elsewhere.

Instead of picking up the newest overhyped turd that Sweet Baby Inc helped coax out of the collective cancerous sphincters of obese diversity hires with more invented pronouns and imagined sexualities than neurons rattling around in their skulls, save your time and money and play another game, maybe even one that you bought and never started. Or try to actually finish one that you dropped years ago. You could also pick up a book, or finish a book. Why not work on your pile of shame? You can even do something more meaningful, such as cultivating a skill or, *gasp* making your own entertainment.

And that last one is especially important, given all of the money being poured into woke entertainment, to push a very specific, very degenerate message.

Most of you probably have dozens of projects that you abandoned at some point, some, perhaps most for good reason, and many more ideas that you've never even tried to flesh out. In any case there's probably something worthwhile bouncing around in your head, you just need to get off your figurative ass and, instead of wasting your time making excuses while you blindly consoom woke trash in order to distract you from your misery and/or inadequacy, lining the pockets of companies that hate you in the process, put a modicum of effort into it. 

Because while you can point at various companies and level well-deserved criticisms, but at the end of the day they are creating, influencing culture, and by influencing I mean hollowing out existing properties so they can wear them as skinsuits (which is very on brand for them). Granted it's merely post-modern vapidware trash, but it's still being foisted upon the public, and if normal people with some semblance of a vision and even a shred of talent don't create new content, it's just going to get worse.

Yeah, it'll take some actual work. Yeah, it'll probably cost some money. But I guarantee in the end, if you put in the time and effort it'll be far more satisfying than giving money to a company that hates you, for a game that isn't very good, just so you can maybe live stream it, and ultimately probably fail to finish it, anyway.

But, again: if you can't or more likely just can't be bothered to control yourself? For the love of God at least stop settling for "just a little woke" and start demanding no woke, period. Because every time you settle for "a little woke" you're sending a message that it's okay, and in case you're naive and/or deluded enough to think that it's as woke as it gets, here's a reality check: wokeness is a cancerous cult, a ruinous religion, and each of its adherents are lazy, ugly, envious, malcontent narcissists.

They'll never stop until a company, hobby, or IP is dead, because they are emotionally unstable, intellectually and morally bankrupt, driven by misguided anger, don't have any real problems or responsibilities, and are incapable of feeling love or joy, so their goal is to try and make everyone just as hate-filled and miserable as they are. So don't play their game, or games that they have a hand in. Form new communities and IPs and gatekeep the child-minded and childless weirdos properly, and strictly. 

And don't be afraid of seeming "mean" or "bigoted" or "intolerant". These are just words they use to trick and shame you into obedience, and to quote Frieren from Sousou no Frieren when explaining the nature of demons, "Words to them are a means of deceiving humans."

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