Dungeons & Delvers: Chimera Art

Here’s the original from Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book, illustrated around 8 years ago:

And here’s the one I just finished today:

(For 2nd Edition we’re adding a series of chimera tables—origin, size, number of animals, individual animals—so you can generate one on the fly.)

The idea behind this one was more of a fusion of a lion, goat, and serpent. I removed the goat from the back because it really wouldn’t be able to reach anything, but then while reading up on it again I guess the goat head was the one that breathed fire, so I might have to revert to the previous depiction and have it just do that.

We’ll see, as I’m liking the head with horns and six eyes.

In any case, here’s the new stat block:

Number Appearing 1
Keywords Beast, Hybrid
Size Large
Abilities STR +5 CON +3 DEX +1 INT -4 WIS +0 CHA -2
Skills Endurance +5, Perception +5 (low-light vision)
Speed 40 feet
Defense 14
Saves Str +9, Con +7, Dex +5
Armor 4
Resist fire 10
Wound Save +7
WP 35
Base Attack +5

  • Bite Reach 0; +5 to hit; 1d8+7 piercing (AP 2, Penetrating 2)
    • When the chimera makes this attack against a creature it has Grabbed with its claws, the attack roll is Assisted.
  • Claws Reach 0 (10-feet); +5 to hit; 1d8+7 slashing
    • Exploit 5+ The target must succeed on a DC 19 Strength save or DC 15 Dexterity save or be Grabbed by the chimera.
  • Gore Reach 1; +5 to hit; 1d8+7 piercing (AP 2, Impale 2, Penetrating 2)
    • When the chimera makes this attack as part of a Charge, on a successful hit it inflicts +1d8 damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 19 Strength save or DC 15 Dexterity save or be knocked Prone.
  • Fire Breath 30-foot cone; a creature caught in the Area of Effect must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity save or suffer fire damage (AP 2, Burning 1). This can range from 1d6 to 5d6, and is additionally limited by the available amount of damage dice the chimera has stored (see below). The GM must determine the amount of damage it wishes to use before any saves are attempted.
    • The chimera can store up to 10d6 damage dice at once, and replenishes one every hour. The GM can roll 1d4+6 to determine a random amount.

Treasure chimera blood (2d4 x 10n), chimera hide (3d4 x 10n); 50% for a chimera fire sac (1d4+2 x 10n)
XP 200

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