Dungeon World: The Rakshasa
The Rakshasa is out!
(Note: It has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Monster Mash bundles over on DriveThru, so if you want to get it along with a bunch of other high-quality and -content playbooks, there ya go.)
As with The Ghoul, The Mummy, The Vampire, The Oni, and The Golem, this class more closely adheres to its mythological roots: you don't have a tiger head (at least not by default) or backwards facing palms, and blessed crossbow bolts aren't going to be more effective than any other weapon (or any other holy weapon, if you take Demon Skin).
Instead you have powerful claws, can turn invisible, use illusions to change your form, and fly. As you level up, you can choose to become a more powerful warrior or specialize in your abilities, or learn a few new tricks (or grow a few new heads and arms).
This product contains four separate pdf files. Two are digest-sized, 20 page pdfs that includes:
One is B&W, the other in color, so if you want to print it out you can save on ink.
The other two are 2-page, letter-sized character sheets for you to print out and actually use at the table. It features a new layout that provides more room for gear and alternate moves than the "official" Dungeon World character sheets.
Of course if you want the gear already on there, the second character sheet has that.
Another Note: If you purchase using the PayPal Buy Now button, we will also send you a complimentary copy through DriveThruRPG.
(Note: It has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Monster Mash bundles over on DriveThru, so if you want to get it along with a bunch of other high-quality and -content playbooks, there ya go.)
As with The Ghoul, The Mummy, The Vampire, The Oni, and The Golem, this class more closely adheres to its mythological roots: you don't have a tiger head (at least not by default) or backwards facing palms, and blessed crossbow bolts aren't going to be more effective than any other weapon (or any other holy weapon, if you take Demon Skin).
Instead you have powerful claws, can turn invisible, use illusions to change your form, and fly. As you level up, you can choose to become a more powerful warrior or specialize in your abilities, or learn a few new tricks (or grow a few new heads and arms).
This product contains four separate pdf files. Two are digest-sized, 20 page pdfs that includes:
- The Rakshasa, a complete class with 22 advanced moves: give your illusions substance, draw strength from the flesh of your enemies, instantly appear by your companions in times of need, gird yourself in heavier armor, use your flight to smash into your foes, and more.
- Additional advanced moves, for if you want to focus even more on magic and/or illusions.
- New weapons (like the chakram and katar), mirror armor, dungeon gear, and a new magic item.
- A director's cut that provides an explanation for some of the moves, and even some questions to ask yourself when rolling up a rakshasa.
One is B&W, the other in color, so if you want to print it out you can save on ink.
The other two are 2-page, letter-sized character sheets for you to print out and actually use at the table. It features a new layout that provides more room for gear and alternate moves than the "official" Dungeon World character sheets.
Of course if you want the gear already on there, the second character sheet has that.
Another Note: If you purchase using the PayPal Buy Now button, we will also send you a complimentary copy through DriveThruRPG.
Lichfield is available for public consumption. If you want a concise adventure with a Silent Hill feel, be sure to check it out! Primordial Machine is also out, so if you want to catch a glimpse of A Sundered World, now's your chance! Finally, we've updated If These Stones Could Scream.
The Dungeon World GM Screen is currently available in pdf and landscape insert formats. No matter which you choose, you get eight sets of pdfs that let you have access to the screen in both landscape and portrait orientation, in color or black and white, and with or without art.
Next up, mini screen! Next up, mini screen!
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