Dungeons & Delvers: The Battlemind

- Base Wound Points: 5+Constitution
- Wound Points at Higher Levels: +3+Constitution
- Base Vitality Points: 3
- Vitality Points at Higher Levels: +2
(Designer's Note: The slightly reduced WP and VP from that of a fighter, or other primary melee classes, is because battleminds are very dependent on Constitution. I think that will offset the reduction, and I needed to pull back on something to justify their psionic powers. Otherwise I think they'd quickly eclipse a fighter.)
Proficiencies & Skills
- Weapons: You can use any melee weapon
- Armor: You can wear any type or armor (but not use shields)
- Skills: Choose any three skills.
(Designer's Note: Battleminds cannot use ranged weapons as easily, and also can't use shields. Might give them access to normal shields and not tower shields. Have to wait and see. Again needed to pull back on something so that the fighter still has a solid purpose. Really think that their ability to use Constitution for AC and reduce damage will make up for this.)
Class Features
All of these are gained at 1st-level:
- Attack Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with any weapon you're proficient with.
- Body Armor: You can use Constitution instead of Dexterity to determine your Armor Class. When you suffer damage, as a Reaction you can spend 1 Power Point to reduce it by 1d4 points.
- Fortitude Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves.
- Living Weapon: As a Swift Action you can transform one or both arms into a weapon that deals 1d6+Strength damage. The damage type can be bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, and you can change it on your turn as a Swift Action. When you hit a creature with a weaponized limb, you can spend 1 Power Point to inflict maximum damage.
- Power Points: You have Power Points equal to your battlemind level + Constitution. When you take a short rest, set your Power Points to their maximum.
Remember that at each level your maximum Power Points are increased by 1.
- 2nd-Level: Choose a battlemind talent.
- 3rd-Level: Living Weapon damage is increased to 1d8, choose a battlemind talent.
- 4th-Level: Your Attack Bonus is increased to +2.
- 5th-Level: You can use your Standard Action to make two attacks instead of one, and your Fortitude Bonus increases to +2.
Adamantine Blades
As long as you have 1 Power Point, your limbs gain AP 2.
You no longer suffer penalties when taking the Charge Action, and gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll. When you hit a creature with a Charge attack, you can spend 1 Power Point to deal an additional 1d6 damage.
Mithril Blades
Your limbs can have the light property (allowing you to use Dexterity for both the attack and damage roll).
Heat Sink
You gain fire resistance equal to 5 + your battlemind level. As a Swift Action you can spend 1 Power Point to become immune to fire for 1 round per battlemind level.
As long as you have 1 Power Point, you can grow spikes from your flesh. Creatures trying to grab you suffer damage equal to your Constitution. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, as a Reaction you can spend 1 Power Point to inflict damage equal to your Constitution + your Attack Bonus against them.
Iron Skin
As long as you have at least 1 Power Point, you gain +1 DR. If you are wearing scale armor or lighter, you also gain +1 AC.
As long as you have at least 1 Power Point, your limbs can stretch up to 10 feet away. When a creature would move next to you, as a Reaction you can spend 1 Power Point to make an attack against them.
You can spend 1 Power Point to make a ranged Constitution attack against a creature within 60 feet of you. It deals living weapon damage if it hits. If you can make multiple attacks, you can spend additional Power Points to make additional ranged attacks.
Razor-Sharp Blades
As long as you have at least 1 Power Point, you deal +1 damage. You can spend 1 Power Point to gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 round per battlemind level.
Reactive Armor
You can use Body Armor as a Free Action. You can spend additional Power Points to reduce damage taken by an additional 1d4 points, but you must spend them all at once, and the total dice cannot exceed your battlemind level.
(Normally it’s a Reaction, which can only be done once per turn, which also means if you do that you can’t use other Reaction talents such as Longarm. It also means you can spend Power Points to keep reducing damage from other attacks as much as you want.)
Reforge Flesh
Your Wound Recovery is equal to your level plus double your Constitution (normally it’s just level + Constitution). As a Swift Action you can spend 1 Power Point to regain 1d10+Constitution WP, but your maximum Power Points are reduced by 1 until you take a long rest.
Serrated Blades
Requires: Razor-Sharp Blades
Living Weapon scores critical hits on a 19-20 (instead of just a natural 20). When you score a critical hit, you can spend a Power Point to instead deal double your maximum damage.
Shielding Limb
One of your limbs can transform into a shield. When it is active you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and Reflex saving throws. When you would make a Reflex save, you can spend 1 Power Point to roll twice and take the higher result.
Requires: Iron Skin
As long as you have at least 2 Power Point, you gain +2 DR. If you are wearing scale armor or lighter, you also gain +2 AC.

If you want more adventures, we just released Escape From the Flesh Catacombs: a bunch of 0-level characters need to escape from the catacomb-lair of a gorgon that was slain, causing everything she's petrified to revert to flesh and rise as undead.
Our latest Dungeon World class, The Apothecary, is now available.
Dwarven Vault is our sixth 10+ Treasures volume. If you're interested in thirty dwarven magic items (including an eye that lets you shoot lasers) and nearly a dozen new bits of dungeon gear, check it out!
By fan demand, we've mashed all of our 10+ Treasure volumes into one big magic item book, making it cheaper and more convenient to buy in print (which you can now do).
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ReplyDeleteHow would you adjust this if you wanted to model a Soul Knife?
ReplyDeleteI think it would be difficult to explain in a comment, so I'm going to write a new post about it!
Oh, that would be sweet!
DeleteWhat if you give them the ability to turn a hand into a shield or the ability to shoot at range but with drawbacks: They can manifest a shield but are slowed or encumbered. For range it could be a reduction in AC or they can spend HP (representing the loss of flesh) to create "darts" they can throw.
ReplyDeleteVictor and I talked in chat and also came up with the idea of climbing claws. For some reasons even though I did the longarm thing, I didn't consider longer legs OR leaping. He also suggested biomagnetics and some other stuff, for some crowd control when dealing with things made of metal and/or using metal stuff.
Instead of a gliding membrane, I'm thinking of a kind of organic elemental collidor from Sundered World. Like a part metal, part fleshy jetpack to fly around with. Oh actually, instead of a membrane I could see metal sheets bursting out of you for gliding and reducing falling damage though.
I should take another look at that Mirrodin set from Magic: the Gathering. Probably get a bunch of ideas from that...