Mostly about Dungeons & Delvers.

Dungeons & Delvers Deep Dive Review: Crafting & Equipment

With the classes and first part of the Skills chapter out of the way, Bruce now analyzes crafting skills, equipment, and things that aren't equipment but fit nicely in that chapter (such as hirelings and trade goods). He stopped at the start of the alchemical items section: there's so much there that he is going to give it its own video, though I particularly enjoyed his reaction to superlative-quality acid.

Craft skills currently increase by using the skill. To me this made sense, but for 2nd Edition it's going to be more like 3rd Edition: each craft skill has a Proficiency bonus, and crafting different items will have its own DC. While you can take 10, exceeding a DC by a certain amount automatically results in a higher quality item.

So, creating bottled lightning using alchemy might require a DC 15 Alchemy check, but if you get a 25 it is automatically upgraded to exceptional quality. Facilities, tools, assistants, materials, and other factors can add to this bonus, giving characters one reason to purchase property and/or construct a stronghold, and invest in tools and supplies.

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