Amazingly Pathetic Deflections

With perhaps the exception of Troika or DiceDreamMork Borg is one of the most uninspired jumbles of pages passed off as a roleplaying game I've ever seen. It's certainly on par with other "modern" mediocrities, such as Deep Carbon Observatory and Red & Pleasant Land.

So when Venger got stoked about a potential middling crossover with a joke of what could be generously labeled a property that he was admittedly utterly unfamiliar with, I enlightened him with objective truths:

Succinct, but if you want a deep dive into the mire of tryhard banality that Mork Borg wallows in, you can go here for further enlightenment.

Of course, like all half-assed, misleading trash offerings cobbled together from other uninspired derivatives Mork Borg is not without its throng of driveling sycophants, eager to handwave its innumerable failings when it doesn't attempt to frame them as strengths:

For context, the piddling pages comprising Mork Borg are smeared with a combination of creative commons art, photos that have been merely run through a Photoshop filter or two, and postmodern deceptions:

Do you think that creative common art and filtered photos are "amazing?? Do you think they are the height of artistic talent and merit? OG GM certainly thinks so:

Again, not surprising. He's a Mork Borg fanboy. He is drawn to mediocrity because it makes him feel better about his inadequacies. Mork Borg and all the other overblown indie vapidware set an abysmally low hurdle that he believes he can one day possibly surmount.

This is why he claims, or at least pretends, that the act of copying a photograph, dropping it into Photoshop, and using one of the numerous filters is an "amazing" feat. Because it's something that even he, for all his shortcomings, could still feasibly accomplish.

It's like ordering a plain burger from Mcdonald's, adding the cheese yourself, and pretending that you made a gourmet cheeseburger. So simple, so straightforward: surely OG GM could pull it off. Eventually. Maybe.

After a tame-yet-wholly-deserved insult Venger stepped in, apparently worried that he might lose out on such an "amazing" marketing crossover:

Venger pleads for me to keep things civil for merely pointing out that a sycophantic simpleton is earnestly claiming that postmodern trash and filtered photos are "amazing" works of art. Disappointing, to be sure, but not nearly as much as when he later defends OG GM's brand of disingenuous stupidity.

OG GM can't even address what I said. Instead, he has to pretend that I stated that the recycled art and original trash are somehow "wrong", and that I at the time called him a name. He cites two artists (somehow getting the last name wrong on both), as if this means anything at all, before in a roundabout way asking if he should insult me for liking things he doesn't like.

Not that I value your insipid opinions OG GM, but sure. Go nuts. I guess you can start by saying it's stupid to like actual art that demands even a modicum of skill to produce. You could also claim its stupid to like real RPGs that are actually mostly complete, and not shallow cashgrabs churned out by lazy narcissists.

Yes, I do. Obviously. And who's attempting to insult you? I did. I said that you're pathetic because you are. You not only like Mork Borg but consider any aspect of it to be amazing when it's not even adequate by any metric.

Yes, Venger, that's obviously it. Can't be that this dipshit thinks Photoshopped pictures are somehow amazing. No, it's gotta be something going on in my life. If only things were going better for me, I'd surely think that OG was on to something. I'd stop wasting my time honing my art and just resort to Photoshopping someone else's art and pictures.

Elmore? Easley? Frazetta? Tony DiTerlizzi? Wayne Reynolds? Pfffft. Amateurs. If they possessed real talent, they'd stop wasting their time: filtered photos are where it's at baby!

OG GM reminds me of Taylor Lane: he says something stupid, I point it out, and he resorts to disingenuous deflections so as not to damage his frail ego. Pathetic. Like his taste in what some people consider art nowadays. 

OG GM: for a bunch of reasons that I don't care to go into, I'm quite happy. You just said something monumentally retarded. Maybe keep your retarded mouth shut, learn to defend your retarded positions, or admit that your positions are retarded.

By the way, this is the so-called "artist" that OG GM idolizes:

Oh, of course he's a pronouner.


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