Obligatory Dark Sun Posting

Dark Sun was one of those things that I kinda-sorta wanted to run, but due to the style just didnt. It has art by Brom, which is a plus, and it had a lot of interesting and/or bizarre elements that made it really stand out from what I at the time perceived to be "traditional" fantasy. It strayed about as far from the norm as you could get, while somehow still labeling itself as Dungeons & Dragons. Things that I liked was the overall setting (a kind of desert post-apocalyptic world), magic draining the life from things, thri-kreen, psionics (most of all), and the bone/stone/wood equipment.
Was this good? I dont know: never used it, but I certainly did try.
At the time, I think I kept trying to shoehorn adventures that didnt really play to the setting. Nowadays, I've grown quite a bit and learned a lot, and I think I can properly handle it this time. My setting of choice is still Eberron, and I dont see that changing much, but Wizards did make Forgotten Realms a bit more palatable (even if I still havent used the books for anything except for drow, genasi, and swordmage). Frankly, Wizards have made a lot of things great in 4th Edition, setting a winning streak for everything they've released thus far. I see no reason why they wont succeed with this. It doesnt have to stand up to Eberron to be a winner, it just has to get me to use it once.
Yay! Dark Sun! I came in my pants when I heard the news...just a little.
ReplyDeleteSo now I'm going to play that monk I've had floating around in my mental character concept filing cabinet. For some reason playing a bad ass martial artist in a post apocalyptic fantasy world strikes a chord with me.
Hopefully Antioch will allow me a free action in the time between my strikes rob the enemy of their last remaining hit point and when they crumple to the ground, so that I can utter:
"You're already dead."
I am actually stoked about this! Dark Sun was a lot of fun to play in (even if it was the first TPK I ever experienced). It even got me to begrudgingly enjoy psionics.
ReplyDeleteThere is a show called "Drain the Ocean" on NatGeo that could work as neat background for a DS campaign.