Heroes of Legend?

I culled this from "someone's" Facebook page.

I couldn't find it on either Wizards' product catalog (or Amazon or whatever). Anyone out there know more?


  1. It's on Amazon. But no info about what is it.

  2. Probably this: http://www.enworld.org/forum/4e-fan-creations-house-rules/245164-homebrew-rpg-d-d-4th-edition-based-heroes-legend.html

    Which makes sense that it's homebrew, given the weird cover shooping.

  3. I saw it on amazon, but it seems it was pulled down, there's a thread on the Boards about it.

  4. @Sersa: It's in the "Books I've Worked On" photo album of someone whose written official material for Wizards of the Coast.

  5. Oh wow, you're right, I found it on Amazon after some fiddling. I wonder what it could be - it wasn't mentioned in the D&D preview seminar at GenCon, but there's some buzz about it on ENWorld and the Wizards forums.

    It is a mystery!

  6. Maybe it's about playing at epic levels?

  7. I found this thread: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/26006649/Class_Compendium:_Heroes_of_Legend?pg=1

  8. I found it on amazon.ca:

    "Class Compendium: Heroes of Sword and Spell: A 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons Accessory" listed for February 15, 2011 release as a paperback.

  9. I'm of the opinion that it's an elaborate hoax.

    The book is found nowhere on WotC's release schedule, and no mention was made of it during their Gencon seminar, despite the fact that Heroes of Legend is a Q1 release.

  10. Hoping I don't get him in trouble, Robert J Schwalb is on my Facebook friends list. I found it in his "Books I've Worked On" photo album.

  11. I was wrong. It isn't a hoax...it's a collection of errata'd PHB1 classes so far as I can tell.

    I'm still always right when I argue with grognards though...

  12. What? The whole thing seemed fishy at the time!


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