Making Race Count

- Avalanche Rush (level 2 encounter): When you bull rush a target, you can push them farther based on your Con modifier.
- Dwarven Pride (level 6 encounter): When you are subjected to most forms of forced movement, you gain a damage bonus for a turn based on the number of squares you were moved.
- Stone Stubborn (level 10 encounter): When you are dominated or stunned, you are instead dazed until the effect ends.
- Mountainborn Tenacity (level 16 daily): When you are dropped, you can spend a healing surge and gain damage resistance for a turn based on your Con modifier.
- Help Is Here (level 2 encounter): You automatically use aid another on an adjacent ally.
- Sudden Switch (level 6 encounter): You swap spaces with a creature and gain combat advantage for a turn against all adjacent enemies.
- Lockstep (level 10 encounter): You and an adjacent ally shift 6 squares, and must end the movement next to each other.
- Persuasive Words (level 16 daily): You gain a bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, and Intimidate for the rest of the encounter.
- Happy Feed (level 2 encounter): When a creature starts its turn, you can shift.
- Minor Threat (level 6 encounter): A stance that you can trigger while bloodied, granting you a bonus to defenses and Stealth.
- Pay Your Debts (level 10 at-will): If a flanked enemy moves, an ally flanking it still has combat advantage for a turn.
- Underfoot Hustle (level 16 encounter): You shift your speed with a bonus, can move through enemy squares, and they grant combat advantage to you for a turn.
- Extra Effort (level 2 encounter): You can reroll a save with a bonus, but the next save takes a penalty.
- Rapid Move (level 6 daily): As a minor action you can take a move action.
- Flush With Success (level 10 encounter): If you hit with an attack, you gain scaling temp hps and can shift a short distance.
- Courageous Determination (level 16 daily): If a en enemy bloodies you, or hits you while you are bloodied, you can burn a healing surge, shift your speed, and gain a defense bonus for a turn.
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