Mostly about Dungeons & Delvers.

Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition: Fighter Preview

The revised fighter class for Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition has now been added to Dungeons & Delvers over on Big Geek Emporium

Many Talents were adjusted to account for altered mechanics and I suppose what you could consider "balance" purposes (also "they" in the singular when I noticed it), but the major changes are:

  • Hit Die There is a table you roll on to determine WP and VP gains. It's at a 2:1 ratio, so you'll always get twice as many WP as VP. Also Constitution is only added to the WP total, so WP gains (and losses from a low Constitution) will be much slower.
  • Skills Class Skills start at +1, and automatically improve at a rate of +1 per level. Secondary Skills also start at +1, but each level you get 2 Skill Points to spend: you can improve a Secondary Skill on a one-for-one basis, or any other skill besides a Class Skill for two points. In other words, each time you level up you can improve your Secondaries or some other skill.
  • Equipment You roll on two tables to determine what combat and adventuring gear your character starts with. This makes it much easier to get playing.
  • Attack Bonus Every class has a scaling Attack Bonus. While we liked the lower overall Attack Bonus in 1st Edition, it didn't make sense for fighters to see absolutely no improvement in their attacks for multiple levels. Also, you inflict bonus damage when your attack roll exceeds a target's Defense, and it also helps you avoid the target's armor.
  • Defense Bonus Every class gets a scaling Defense Bonus. This is added to Dexterity and size (if Small), and effectively replaces Armor Class. Now you won't have, say, a 1st- and 10th-level fighter having equal chances of being struck.
  • Weapon Specialization Instead of a variety of various modifiers, Weapon Specialization lets you spend Skill Points to deal more damage with a specific weapon over time.

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