Mostly about Dungeons & Delvers.

Grifter With a Hard R Thinks Tieflings Are Also Black People

I remember years ago you had people sincerely make the claim that orcs were thinly veiled analogs for black people.

Why you would pretend to be a good ally yet compare black people to a race of inherently evil, savage, and rapacious monstrosities is beyond me (mostly), but in a bizarre twist you had both white and black people asserting that Gygax was in actuality some sort of super secret racist who intentionally "coded" orcs as blacks just so that he and all of his fellow Klansfolx could vicariously live out their fantasies of massacring them.

And he would have gotten away with it, too, were it not for a handful of shiftless, envious, self-hating losers who certainly don't piss away their immense amount of free time and parents' money trying to find something, anything to pretend to be outraged over.

For a time, every year or so various conpersons would crop up and recycle this retarded assertion in a desperate bid for attention, money, and/or perhaps a position in what they consider to be authority (though there was at least one time a self-proclaimed Jew tried to get in on the action). Relatively recently a new contender for Kang Grifter sauntered into the ring, literally and figuratively shaking things up by claiming to identify with tieflings due to their deserved treatment in Baldur's Gate 3.

Here's his profile, which is about as hilarious as you'd expect:

Oh course he's a sometimes they/themming pronouner. I know she is in the mix, but they/themmers tend to be men pretending to be women, or failed men suffering from the delusion that if they don't "identify" as a man it will somehow magically excuse their profuse shortcomings. I forgot to screencap an alleged picture of himself. It looks...somewhat feminine but also horrendously filtered, so unlike Lys I'll trust my gut on this one.

Right out of the gate, you can tell that Lys is a privileged-yet-miserable loser without real problems, and as with all wannabe-victims has to desperately hunt for something to be offended by. Now, I doubt that BG3 asks you what your actual race is so that it can tailor events and responses to you, so everything Lys is going through is precisely what every other edgelord playing a tiefling under the misconception that it will substitute for a lack of personality and creativity will endure.

That Lys considers this to be "brutal" implies that he goes through his life likewise braving constant hostility. He would like to chalk this up to race (don't they all?), which I don't believe for a moment. Rather, assuming this is true to any degree I'm betting it's due to his less-than-stellar personality and actions.

I've never played Baldur's Gate 3, and never will: I won't support the rampant degeneracy nor a company that hates me. I did however watch a playthrough where a guy is playing a tiefling druid. Took a while, but I'm pretty sure I found the part where Lys the liar is referring to: there's a part where you talk to some druid named Kagha. She or someone else or whoever caught a tiefling kid attempting to steal a holy relic from them.

In the video, it is implied that they merely wanted to imprison the kid, but others on Reddit are saying that you can fail a check and the kid is killed. In any case, the desire to punish her isn't due to race but because she is a thief who is more than happy to take them up on their hospitality and then steal from them anyway.

What makes this hilarious is that it's apparently trivially easy to prevent either that from happening! The guy just spoke to the snake or whatever, and the girl boss druid let the tiefling go free. No slap on the wrist, nothing. Lys is faking outrage because a criminal is being judged by the content of her character.

I wonder why? You think maybe this, you know, hits a little close to home for Lys?

It was disappointing that people willingly muzzled up for the flu, now I find it absolutely pathetic that people are still doing it. I'm willing to bet any alleged "microaggressions" Lys experiences are due to him reading way too deeply into other people's behavior, and/or entirely deserved. He seems like a miserable asshole that waddles over to HR over any perceived slight.

But it's also fantasy for blacks. Lys isn't a tiefling. He doesn't come from a long line of people that made an actual deal with an actual devil. He is, in fact, one of the most protected and pandered-to groups in the entire country, which probably explains why he even has a job: I doubt he's good at anything (not even grifting), and seems so obnoxious and entitled that were things actually equal I can't imagine any company bothering to keep him around.

You shouldn't be stressed that you make bad decisions. You should realize that you made a bad decision and learn from it. Grow as a a figurative way, I mean. But if Lys's many roommates routinely threaten to kill him in his sleep? Just given these handful of tweets I'd understand.

Lys absolutely expected this much "traction" off of his pity party (and if he didn't it's because he's not good at the grift). That's the reason he did it. No one likes him. He doesn't even like himself, so he needs internet strangers to give him fleeting shreds of attention and fake concern so that he can convince himself that anyone gives a flying fuck about his existence.

It's ironic but expected that, for all his whining over fantasy racism in a game that he doesn't even have to play, Lys is himself a racist. Of course, he doesn't really care about the imaginary racism and is going to keep playing it, because it's popular right now and something he can stream in the hopes that people will give him enough money to pay his rent.

Me? I'd just stop playing it. Not that I'd ever start, but before buying games or watching movies I also dig around to see if has any woke bullshit, and if it does I just skip it. No biggie, we make our own games and there's plenty of quality entertainment out there.

I don't know who these people are, but note how Lys doesn't provide any context for what he perceives to be racism, so we don't know if it's actual racism or the leftist definition, which is just anyone that you disagree with.

But even racism as defined by normal people is fine in fantasy works. You don't have to include it, but it can make a world feel more real, and when it is present often gives characters room to grow (both racists and those fighting against it). So, technically not necessary but often useful.

Uh oh, someone disagreed with the attention-starved narcissist and killed his high. Fictional racism doesn't affect anyone in real life, and while I don't think Lys prances around anywhere judging by his staggering weight, I think the reason he faces what he merely perceives to be discrimination is his morbid personality.

The problem is that he is a narcissist, so through a series of mental (and only mental) gymnastics twists any deserved criticism about until he can convince himself that it's solely due to racism (as he defines it), that he's a good person who dindu nuffin.

None of the races or monsters mentioned are steeped in racism. For all your attempts to try and tenuously link a given monster or race to a real-world group of people, all you are doing is demonstrating that, surprising no one, the racism was in you the whole time. I hope one day that you realize that no amount of internet attention or money will satiate you.

Similar to your apparent relationship with food.

Making a race or monster inherently evil doesn't make it uninteresting. You people have said this over and over and never offer up any supporting evidence, but then you never provide evidence for any of your bizarre claims so this is also par for the course.

While there can be conflicts more interesting in racism (as defined by normal people at any rate), this doesn't make it uninteresting and doesn't necessarily detract from the overall game. I know you are desperately trying to get people to tell you that you are an intelligent and good person, ideally or even preferably throw some cash your way, but the reality is that even if that particular conflict wasn't present in the game at all, if people just accepted tielfings as if they were nothing more than humans with horns (which is pretty much all they are nowadays)?

You'd just whine about something else between mouthfuls of food and labored breathing.

Unsurprisingly Lys is unfamiliar with tiefling flavor, which has changed for the worse over the editions. In 5th Edition tieflings are humans whose ancestors made a deal with Asmodeus, which altered their appearance and gave them whatever racial features they get nowadays. The Player's Handbook even states that this bargain doesn't affect their personality in any meaningful way.

So it's not that a devil did something bad (which is what I'd expect from a devil), but that devils are evil and tieflings have fiendish traits so people distrust them. Does this make sense? Probably not, given that D&D is now firmly rooted in fantasy Seattle demographics and politics, so all tieflings just behave like normal people, look like humans with cosplay horns glued on their heads, and they're everywhere.

So at some point people would realize that they aren't inherently evil and stop reacting. You've already got dragon people and every other formerly monstrous race present and disproportionally accounted for (like so many other races). No wonder D&D stopped being about dungeon crawls and is now about managing fantasy Starbucks: besides the only imaginary monsters left to fight are capitalism and white people, plus exploring ruins is both ableist and cultural appropriation.

Now in a normal campaign setting where people behave like normal people (and tielfings aren't ubiquitous), would I see an issue with the general populace categorizing tieflings as evil and insulting them? Probably not, because even if we assume that a tiefling's heritage has absolutely no bearing on his personality, they would be incredibly rare to the point where most people would never see one, or even hear about one.

Regardless, it's a fantasy race in a fantasy game. You're not a tiefling, and the only hardships you endure are entirely self-inflicted. The only time people insult you is based on the content of your character, and that's what really pisses you off: you deserve it.

For context, because self-hating wokefolk never provide it, the "slur" was hellspawn, and that was because a group of tielfings were demanding entrance after one of their children was caught trying to steal a holy relic.

The guy didn't threaten to smack the child because he was a tiefling, but because he was not only a thief, but kept mocking and insulting the guy for, again, accurately judging the child by the content of his character. One wonders why Lys is so adamant in defending criminals? Huh...maybe he's got more in common with tieflings than I thought?

Yeah, we can do that. You're the racist, Lys, and given all the behavior I've seen of tielfings in just skimming a playthrough video, it certainly seems like tieflings commit a bunch of crimes and then get unreasonably pissed off when caught. Again, I find it veeery interesting that you keep defending them.

Also, not that I believe anyone is saying it (as you've already lied about plenty), fictional lives don't matter, because they aren't real. That's why you can kill as many people you want in games and no one comes to arrest you. It's also why normal gamers don't cry when their fake character dies, even in post-modern D&D where death is but a speed bump.

Not that there's a real issue, but if you don't like how your imaginary character is being treated, either do something in-game to win people over (if it permits that), suck it up like everyone else playing a tiefling under the delusion that they are interesting or special, play a different race, or beg for some Twitch money until you can afford to buy another game.

Oh yeah, you misspelled narcissist. You're a narcissist because you played a game and tried to make imaginary racism about an imaginary race all about you, attempting to conflate your deserved criticisms and treatment with the imaginary hardships suffered by imaginary characters in a video game.

Bisexual pieces of crap are grossly overrepresented in media, and the only trauma you deal with is apparently people criticizing you for being a terrible person. No one is forcing you to relive trauma, unless, what, that supposed trauma involved you being an ungrateful miscreant who decided to steal from people generous (and apparently naive) enough to provide assistance, getting caught, and then getting let go without so much as a slap on the wrist?

None of which would surprise me.

No, I'm guessing the "trauma" is you being an incompetent, insufferable asshole and people calling you an incompetent, insufferable asshole. You know, that whole judging you by the content of your character thing.

Bullshit. None of you guys are capable of feeling joy or love. You play it because it's popular, something you can try to get money for by playing on Twitch, in between bouts of bitching about imaginary racism. You are addicted to the idea, the lie of being an oppressed victim, because in your mind it excuses why you are a miserable failure. This way you can try to convince yourself that it's not your fault that you're a lazy loser who won't amount to anything, but everyone else.

Of course, this never works, and it shows.

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