Mostly about Dungeons & Delvers.

RPGaDay 2023 Days 1-4

Forgot all about RPGaDay until I saw a post about it. Since it's the 4th I'll do the first four prompts, and then do more once someone brings it up again.

1. First RPG played this year

Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition. We're uploading preview documents to Big Geek Emporium, so if you buy 1st Edition you'll also get 2nd Edition automatically when it's done.

2. First RPG Gamemaster

Not sure what this question is asking: the first RPG I ran, ever, or this year? If the former, whatever edition of Dungeons & Dragons was in the "easy to master" black box. If the latter, Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition.

3. First RPG bought this year

None. Partially because nothing that has come out has interested me, partially because all the big companies are woke and only capable of churning out vapidware trash, partially because virtually every indie offering is vapidware trash, and partially because we just make the games we want to play.

Actually, I did buy a copy of Dungeons & Delvers for a giveaway so there ya go.

4. Most recent game bought

Same as the previous question.

Unless you count any sort of game, in which case that would be two of the Warhammer 40k Leviathan boxes. My Blood Raven army now has a dreadnought for every occasion:

On one hand, I like how quick it was to assemble and paint the ballistus dreadnought, but on the other it certainly looks and feels "cheaper" than the others. Ah, well, it's got a lascannon, which has a greater Strength and range than anything any of the others can use, so that's good.

Hopefully they give it a proper kit at some point.

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