Mostly about Dungeons & Delvers.

Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition: Random Equipment Tables

In Dungeons & Delvers equipment is a fairly simple affair: you pick a class, it tells you what you start with, and then provides you with a few choices such as weapons and a gear package.

For example, here's the cleric's equipment section:

You get a basic melee weapon, or anything you want if you start with the War Domain. You also get a holy symbol, sacred text, and some cash automatically. Then you pick from light reinforced armor and a shield, or medium armor. This is in case you want to play a lightly armored cleric, or want to wield a two-handed weapon. Finally, you pick an equipment pack that is described elsewhere.

Simple and fast, but also predictable

In 2nd Edition you'll instead roll on a couple of tables: the first determines your starting weapons, armor, and some other class-specific gear (ie, rogues get lock picks, wizards get a spellbook and some material components), and the second is other, universal adventuring gear (ie, food, water, torches, etc).

If you bought Dungeons & Delvers over on Big Geek Emporium (either the PDF or the PDF and POD combo) check the product page for an equipment PDF to see what we're talking about. If you instead got it via PayPal, email me and I'll send you a link to it.

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