Mostly about Dungeons & Delvers.

The Rest of RPGaDay 2023

Okay let's just wrap this up:

5. Oldest game you've played

Initially I was going to say the "easy to master" black box edition of Dungeons & Dragons, but then I remembered that we played a bit of OD&D once, and it was about as terrible as we expected.

6. Favorite game you never get to play

Not applicable, as my favorite RPG is Dungeons & Delvers and we play it whenever we feel like it. The only non-RPG that I wish we could play more is Warhammer 40k.

7. Smartest RPG you've played

I have no idea what this means. I've played games that I'm sure the developer felt was intelligent, several White Wolf games come to mind, but they aren't very good.

8. Favorite character

Off the top of my head? Sumia, Melissa'a rogue/ranger/wizard from our Age of Worms playtest campaign. Very organic in her growth, the kind of player that uses multiclassing rules in service to the narrative as opposed to metagaming and min/maxing.

9. Favorite dice

None. They are tools. I do despise grossly overpriced novelty dice.

10. Favorite tie-in fiction

For RPGs I remember enjoying the first trio of Eberron novels written by I think Dan Bassing-something. The second set he wrote for 4th Edition were crap.

11. Weirdest game you've played

Not a stand-alone game, but a setting: A Sundered World.

12. Old game you still play

We played some co-op on Doom and Doom II. I don't play older RPGs because we wrote better ones.

13. Most memorable character demise

I ran 2E for my cousin decades ago. He rolled up a wizard, wanted to play solo, and was immediately killed by a lone kobold while walking down a forest trail.

We've also had some total party wipes with the kids, but unlike lifestyle tourists they never cried about it.

14. Favorite convention purchase

I went to a convention once and hated it. Was running 4E at the time and ended up buying I think a Monster Vault box because I left mine at home. I guess that will have to technically count.

15. Favorite con module/one-shot

Never played at a convention.

16. Game you wish you owned

I either buy the games I want or make them if they don't exist, so none. I have a few games that I wish were already completed, like Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition and Cowboys & Cthulhu.

17. Funniest game you've played

I've never played an RPG that was inherently funny. The players make it funny, meaning that any RPG I've played would qualify.

18. Favorite game system

d20, because it can do it all and do it quicky and elegantly.

19. Favorite published adventure

So far it would be Escape From the Flesh Catacombs.

20. Will still play in twenty years

Dungeons & Delvers 2nd Edition, unless we make a 3rd Edition by then.

21. Favorite licensed RPG

Ignoring ours? Probably 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons. It's like 2E but better.

22. Best secondhand RPG purchase

I purchased an "easy to master" black box edition of D&D for nostalgic purposes.

23. Coolest looking RPG product/book

Dungeons & Delvers.

24. Complex/simple RPG you play 

Dungeons & Delvers.

25. Unplayed RPG you own

Read but never played Rules Cyclopedia, The Dying Earth, and a few others that I can't remember.

26. Favorite character sheet

The one we created for Dungeon World, because it actually has room for everything. Same for the Dungeons & Delvers one.

27. Game you'd like a new edition of

Dungeons & Delvers, which we're working on!

28. Scariest game you've played

I've never played an RPG that this inherently scary. As for an adventure, I'd go with Escape From the Flesh Catacombs or the more recent witch hut adventure.

29. Most memorable encounter

This one was pretty good, as was the one where they encountered my take on minics.

30. Obscure RPG you've played

Maybe that old Dragonball Z one. I also read a Bubblegum Crisis RPG but never played it.

31. Favorite RPG of all time

Dungeons & Delvers, of course.

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