Make Your Very Own Character Builder Button

If for some reason you'd like to be able to just click on a desktop icon to launch Character Builder--as you did before--here's how:

Navigate to Character Builder page and add it to your bookmarks (any bookmark will do, actually, as we're going to change the URL it points to), and drag the shortcut to your desktop (or wherever you want your icon).

Launch Character Builder, and then highlight and copy the URL.

Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties, then paste the previously copied URL in the URL field.

Booyah (to get the old CB icon, you'll have to go to Change Icon and navigate to the folder where you installed the old CB, and select one of the .exe files).


  1. Thanks! This will make my life a bit easier.

  2. You could also, as of last night, go straight to and get into a zoomed-in character builder. There's also a debug tab for (I'm guessing) developer use.


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